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Text File  |  1995-02-07  |  20KB  |  275 lines

  2. █████ SynchroNet Support
  4. █████ Path: \SYNCHRON
  6. ASKNEW.ZIP        1645  10-17-94  Asks users "Which Command Shell?" for each
  7.                                   logon
  8. BULL!!.ZIP      298441  11-08-94  BULL!! Bulletin program for Synchronet
  9. CHATER.ZIP       10601  09-21-94  Chatter v2.01 for SBBS asks user reason for s
  10.                                   * For SynchroNet v2.x * Gives back timeslices
  11.                                   to DesqView, OS/2, and Windows * Creates log
  12.                                   file of chat attempts
  13. CTB_120.ZIP      42924  09-23-94  Credit Transfer Bank V1.20 for Synchronet
  14.                                   ========================================= CTB
  15.                                   will allow your users to transfer credits
  16.                                   amongst themselves. Users enter CTB and can
  17.                                   either D)eposit or W)ithdraw money. Features
  18.                                   of CTB - Users are not allowed to transfer
  19.                                   credits to themselves. - Can be set-up as a
  20.                                   logon event to automatically withdraw credits
  21.                                   for the user
  22. DFAX101.ZIP     254155  11-13-94  Domain FAX v1.01 (UNREGISTERED) A multi-user
  23.                                   capable FAX on demand for Synchronet BBS
  24.                                   systems. Also allows users to upload files to
  25.                                   be sent out as FAXes.
  26. DICE150B.ZIP     88513  10-12-94  Domain DiceWar v1.50b (UNREGISTERED) A
  27.                                   multi-player, interactive dice game written
  28.                                   for Synchronet BBS systems. Supports up to
  29.                                   250 players.
  30. DLEVENT.ZIP       9058  09-25-94  DLEvent v1.0 for SBBS v2.0x Download event pr
  31.                                   will comment, add bbs adds, and delete bbs ad
  32.                                   files. DLEvent will automatically determine
  33.                                   is a ZIP, ARJ, LHA, or UC2 file and process i
  34. DPOK140C.ZIP     75960  10-12-94  Domain Poker v1.40c (UNREGISTERED) A 5 card
  35.                                   draw, multi-player, interactive poker game
  36.                                   for Synchronet BBS systems. Supports multiple
  37.                                   tables/limits and an intelligent computer
  38.                                   opponent.
  39. DSETUP1.ZIP       6960  01-06-95  Synchronet setups for the following doors:
  40.                                   Legend of the Red Dragon, Usurper, VGA
  41.                                   Planets Interface, and ZChat..Check it
  42.                                   out..Maybe it can help you.
  43. DSYS220A.ZIP     34599  10-24-94  Domain Shopper/Teller Sysop Program v2.20a
  44.                                   This is the version of DSYSOP.EXE meant to go
  45.                                   with v2.20a of Shopper/ InstaTeller, it was
  46.                                   accidentally left out and the older version
  47.                                   of the program was shipped instead. If you
  48.                                   downloaded SHOP220A.ZIP or INST220A.ZIP prior
  49.                                   to 10/25/94, you should get this file to
  50.                                   replace your existing DSYSOP.EXE.
  51. DUT200.ZIP       86082  11-07-94  Domain Upload Tester v2.00 (UNREGISTERED) A
  52.                                   file upload tester and virus scanner written
  53.                                   especially for Synchronet BBS systems.
  54.                                   Supports several virus scanners and
  55.                                   compression types, as well as GIF testing and
  56.                                   multi-level archive testing. Built in com
  57.                                   routines, and ASCII/ANSI/RIP screens for
  58.                                   users.
  59. EASYADD.ZIP      41309  11-21-94  EASY ADDRESS V1.0 by: Gregory Campbell - A
  60.                                   user internet and fidonet address book for
  61.                                   Synchronet BBS's. Allows users to add,
  62.                                   delete, and browse their personal address
  63.                                   book. Will automatically address messages in
  64.                                   Synchronet. Supports Fido GUUCP gates,
  65.                                   SynchUUCP and just fidonet mail. Simply, a
  66.                                   must for every BBS running Internet or
  67.                                   fidonet mail! Registration only $15.00 US
  68. EMENU11.ZIP      21312  11-28-94  Easy-Menu v1.1 A user friendly, easy to use
  69.                                   command shell fo
  70. EZINF100.ZIP     39918  09-18-94  EZReqInf V1.00 for Synchronet V1 & V2
  71.                                   ===================================== This
  72.                                   program is for use with EZ-ROM CD-ROM door by
  73.                                   Mike Robinson Software and Synchronet.
  74.                                   EZReqInf will check for any EZ-ROM requests
  75.                                   that are outstanding and notify the SysOp of
  76.                                   them so they can be filled. If you use EZ-ROM
  77.                                   with requests and Synchronet you can use this
  78.                                   program. FREEWARE
  79. GIV_FIX.ZIP      45385  10-15-94  Update to Giview ver 1.0. -= Bug Fix =- Tell
  80.                                   at a glance how your board is running.
  81.                                   Customize your own color code for each
  82.                                   specifier. Replaces log viewer from the
  83.                                   Waiting For Call Screen. Includes: * Text
  84.                                   search * Quick Statistics
  85. HALLTEXT.ZIP      1670  11-20-94  Halloween Shell Update - New Halloween
  86.                                   Meaning.
  88. ILL9_94.ZIP       4770  09-22-94  iLLuMiNet iNfo Pak 09/22/94 QWK INFO Check
  89.                                   out one of the best networks around. You reme
  90.                                   mber it from InterZone iNc, Well its Back,
  91.                                   And blacker then ever. This Packet Cont ains
  92.                                   the conference listing
  93. INST220C.ZIP     98019  01-03-95  Domain InstaTeller v2.20c (UNREGISTERED) An
  94.                                   INSTANT account upgrade door for Synchronet
  95.                                   BBS systems. Users purchase account upgrades
  96.                                   using their major credit cards.
  97. LGLT142A.ZIP     46479  11-19-94  Logoff Lottery V1.42a for Synchronet V1&2
  98.                                   Allow : - Now configurable as Logon or Logoff
  99.                                   * Fixed problem where Logon didn't work
  100.                                   unless last option given - Jackpot/Last
  101.                                   winner shown before user says YES to play -
  102.                                   Multiple plays per user per day - SysOp
  103.                                   configurable playing cost, starting jackpot,
  104.                                   range of
  105. LWV10.ZIP        33452  09-04-94  Lastword v1.0 Tag line generator
  106. MSGTMP.ZIP       17246  11-10-94  Use QuickBBS-style External Editors with
  107.                                   Synchronet!!! Includes setups for GEdit and
  108.                                   ICEEdit that work PERFECTLY!
  109. NEWF_10A.ZIP      6479  09-04-94  Automatically posts contents of NEWFILES.DAT
  110.                                   to sub-board
  111. NOTFY14D.ZIP     47350  01-09-95  Synchronet Notifier 1.4d Scrabble(tm) USER
  112.                                   Notification program For Versions of
  113.                                   Synchronet 1c and Higher.
  114. OFFLINE.ZIP       8611  09-29-94  OFFLINE v1.0 for sbbs will log offline file r
  115. PMAZE110.ZIP     67369  11-22-94  P h r _ z e M _ z e ! Synchronet BBS Door
  116.                                   ===========================================
  117.                                   Phrase Maze, version 1.10 Maddeningly
  118.                                   addictive BBS door game first wide area beta
  119.                                   release. Deceptively simple and highly
  120.                                   competitive. Developed specifically for
  121.                                   Synchronet BBS's Supports internode
  122.                                   messaging. Great fun, easy to install!
  123. PWSCFG.ZIP       89549  09-19-94  PWSCFG - Password Protect your 'C' WFC Key
  124.                                   This archive contains information on password
  125.                                   protecting your Synchronet Configura 'SCFG'
  126.                                   whether you enter 'C' from the WFC scr or the
  127.                                   DOS prompt.
  128. REVSBBS.TXT      21569  11-27-94  Connect Magazine review of Synchronet BBS
  129.                                   Software
  130. RIP4SYNC.ZIP     34346  10-06-94  Advanced RIP Support for Synchronet 2.x
  131.                                   Updated on 10/5/94 This 'patch' modifies the
  132.                                   Default Command Shell to add advanced RIP
  133.                                   support
  134. ROCK_OS2.ZIP     24601  12-25-94  Rock'n Roll Doctor's OS/2 3.0 Warp SBBS setti
  135.                                   Includes icon settings, AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.
  136.                                   and other tidbits that I use to run Rock'n Ro
  137.                                   Harbour BBS (Synchronet 2.00g) under OS/2.
  138.                                   Has comments telling what to use in configura
  139.                                   and why. This may help you or may not. Read
  140. S4SYNC01.ZIP     35022  12-17-94  Republican Success For Synchronet BBS, Ver 1.
  141.                                   A post November 8, 1994 Election replacement
  142.                                   for the _America_Held_Hostage_For_Synchronet_
  143.                                   program. Kenneth Otto Software, Cocoa, FL.
  144. SBBS-FV.ZIP       5017  12-04-94  Synchronet Sysops - Run PCBFV with SBBS!!
  145.                                   Save time by allowing users to view, read
  146.                                   files within, and extract individual files
  147.                                   from archive all from the filelist prompt.
  148.                                   This text file will walk you through setup.
  149. SBBSBETA.TXT      4845  11-03-94  Synchronet Beta Site Application Form
  150. SBBSLIST.ZIP     69860  01-23-95  Synchronet BBS List (ASCII Text) List of
  151.                                   Synchronet BBSs sorted by phone number.
  152.                                   Exported weekly, entries are auto-deleted
  153.                                   after 90 days if not updated or validated.
  154.                                   This is not a complete list of all Synchronet
  155.                                   BBSs; only those whose sysops have placed
  156.                                   their BBS in our online database. Maintained
  157.                                   by Digital Dynamics.
  158. SBLPACK.ZIP      10369  01-03-95  SBLPACK v1.00 - Packs Synchronet BBS List
  159.                                   Data file (SBL.DAB) - Removes deleted entries
  160.                                   saving disk space and speeding up
  161.                                   searches/listing. Includes complete C source
  162.                                   code.
  163. SDEL100.ZIP      33780  01-02-95  User Deleter for Synchronet BBS version 1.00
  164.                                   User Deleter reads the Synchronet USER.DAT
  165.                                   user file and will delete users based on a
  166.                                   certain number of days of inactivity. Can use
  167.                                   any combination of user levels, flags,
  168.                                   exemptions, or restrictions. Also writes to
  169.                                   the Synchronet NAME.DAT
  170. SDOS_100.ZIP      6745  10-04-94  SDOS v1.00 - Fake DOS Command Shell for
  171.                                   Synchronet BBS version 2.
  172. SDUPE125.ZIP     28788  09-21-94  Dupe User Finder for Synchronet BBS version
  173.                                   1.25 Dupe User Finder reads the Synchronet
  174.                                   USER.DAT file and checks the rest of users
  175.                                   for duplicate information. Checks real name,
  176.                                   address, password, phone number, and
  177.                                   birthday. Writes to text file for
  178. SHOP220C.ZIP    110195  01-03-95  Domain Shopper v2.20c (UNREGISTERED) An
  179.                                   online catalog ordering system for Synchronet
  180.                                   BBS systems. Users can order products ONLINE
  181.                                   using their major credit cards. Up to 99
  182.                                   catalogs of up to 10,000 products each.
  183. SMBU_113.ZIP     45269  01-09-95  SMBUTIL v1.13 - Significantly faster packing
  184.                                   Just unzip this into your EXEC directory.
  185. SMGLG100.ZIP     77091  09-09-94  SmegLog V1.00 Synchronet logfile Analyzer
  186.                                   Creates pretty statistics files that can be
  187.                                   displayed to your users.
  188. SMGZT100.ZIP     63456  10-11-94  SmegZOT! v1.00 FREE Synchronet Cookie, Quote
  189.                                   Creates pretty cookie/quote/saying/user hint
  190.                                   as a CTRL-A text file for diplay with
  191.                                   Synchronet BBS's SysOp configurable
  192. SRCHLGHT.ZIP     36234  09-17-94  Searchlight Comand Shell / \ for Synchronet
  193.                                   2.x / \ Updated on 9/17/94 /\
  194. ST100.ZIP        48714  09-18-94  Sex Trivia door for Synchronet - 300 more
  195.                                   questions to come
  196. STAB_410.ZIP     93223  01-02-95  Sync_TABS Synchronet TABS Door V4.10 * New
  197.                                   Anti-ID-Hacker Support * Test Drive Access
  198.                                   Option - Special Subscription Events (SSE) -
  199.                                   Monthly Profit Statistics - Multiple
  200.                                   Subscription Levels - Support for $10, $25 &
  201.                                   Alternate $ Synchronet TABS Door is for
  202.                                   SysOps who are clients of TABS. 2/Jan/1995
  203.                                   Shareware $15 by
  204. SVQQ100.ZIP      53940  10-15-94  SVQQ version 1.00 By: Jim Knight / 21st Centu
  205.                                   Synchronet Verbose Quick Questionairre is a q
  206.                                   to be used as a regular Questioniarre door or
  207.                                   Automatically Forwards answers to E-mail or a
  208.                                   set up and Completly Configurable.
  209. SYEDT110.ZIP     53536  12-15-94  A fully functioning demo of SyncEdit, the ful
  210.                                   specifically for Synchronet. The freely dist
  211.                                   Block Editing, File Functions, Preview, Redra
  212.                                   most BBS text attribute codes (and a three se
  213.                                   registered version costs $15.00 and contains
  214.                                   Checking (120,000 word dictionary), text Sear
  215.                                   definable Tag Lines. Version 1.1.0
  216. SYEDTDIC.ZIP    313180  12-14-94  This archive contains the dictionary for Sync
  217.                                   ANSI text editor. SyncEdit will only use the
  218.                                   present, which means this dictionary is of of
  219.                                   This archive also contains IMPLIST, a utility
  220.                                   into the dictionary.
  221. SYNC-INT.TXT      3905  12-16-94  Internet via Synchronet - Newly developed
  222.                                   software
  223. SYNZINE1.ZIP     66182  11-26-94  SYNCHRONETICS E-ZINE Vol 1 Issue 1 The first
  224.                                   electronic publication of it's kind devoted
  225.                                   to Synchronet BBS Systems and SysOps. Inside
  226.                                   this issue: *Setting up Doors*Top Doors
  227.                                   Review* *Hackers Overheard*Top Door Poll*
  228. SYNZINE2.ZIP     89302  12-28-94  SYNCHRONETICS E-ZINE Vol 1 Issue 2 The first
  229.                                   electronic publication of it's kind devoted
  230.                                   to Synchronet BBS Systems and SysOps. Inside
  231.                                   this issue: *Exclusive Interview with Rob
  232.                                   Swindell* *Hackers Overheard*TopDoor Poll
  233.                                   Results* *Projected Enhancements for
  234.                                   Synchronet*
  235. TAGSH_11.ZIP      8276  09-07-94  T.A.G. BBS COMMAND SHELL v1.1 Command shell
  236.                                   for Synchronet v2.00x. T.A.G.
  237. TBD101C.ZIP      67405  11-12-94  The Beast's Domain v1.01c (UNREGISTERED) A
  238.                                   multi-player, interactive, ANSI, real-time
  239.                                   adventure game for Synchronet BBS systems. Up
  240.                                   to 250 players.
  241. USAREAD1.ZIP     36620  09-15-94  USAReader v1.0.5, a complete Synchronet
  242.                                   specific USA Today news reader. Fully
  243.                                   functional demo with a 30 day time limit.
  244.                                   This is a maintenance release to correct an
  245.                                   unfortunate bug which allowed the reader to
  246.                                   "hang" on certain systems during reader
  247.                                   startup up. You need this release *only* if
  248.                                   you've had problems getting the previous
  249.                                   version to run!
  250. USR288SP.MDM      2265  12-08-94  USR 28.8 Sportster V.34/V.FC MDM file for
  251.                                   Synchronet
  252. VIEWTEST.ZIP     13956  12-12-94  ViewTest 2.0B Allows users to view and test
  253.                                   archives under SynchroNet bbs software. Take
  254.                                   the place of the View command in SynchroNet.
  255.                                   Also allows the user to view internal text
  256.                                   files without extracting them!
  257. VISION2.ZIP      12992  09-11-94  ViSiON/2 Command Shell for
  258. WC4_V1.ZIP       12055  09-24-94  WILDCAT! v4 COMMAND SHELL With Synchronet You
  259.                                   Can Have It All version 1.0 09/24/94
  260. WWIVQWK.ZIP       5201  09-10-94  Text and Scripts allowing SyncroNet QWK Netwo
  261.                                   This file contains the required scripts and a
  262.                                   text file explaining how to add WWIV to your
  263.                                   QWK NetWorks.
  264. XMASHELL.ZIP     15343  11-28-94  Christmas command shell for Synchronet
  265. ZC0108D.ZIP     286901  01-05-95  ZChat Advanced Teleconference System v01.08
  266.                                   The ULTIMATE chat system! Impressive windowe
  267.                                   interface. Billing support. 300 users can c
  268.                                   at one time! Highly optimized for OS/2,DV,Wi
  269.                                   Direct & FOSSIL support, full screen cfg. pro
  270.                                   Supports system guides and chat leaders, with
  271.                                   appropriate commands. Supports 19 public and
  272.                                   private rooms with optional room leaders.
  273.                                   Supports 255 chatter channels, whispers, secr
  274.                                   actions, generic actions, verbs, user profile